We've done some Pretty Cool Stuff
Our portfolio showcases a diverse range of capabilities, including production work, the creation of captivating visual identities, and spearheading large-scale corporate rebrands.
With a proven track record of working with national brands, Media Vandals will bring creativity, expertise, and a dedicated approach to ensure your branding and marketing efforts are successful and impactful.

Port Hope Chamber of Commerce - Rebrand
Established in 1874, the Port Hope & District Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to protecting the interests of the local business community, enhancing the commercial climate of the region, and fostering continued growth and expansion.
Media Vandals played a key role in supporting this mission by assisting with their three-year strategic plan and brand guidelines. Additionally, Media Vandals’ member Brandon Heard served on the Board of Directors and the Strategic Planning Committee.
• Visual Identity Design
• Strategy
I would 100% recommend Media Vandals to any organization considering changes and/or delving into creative process. Brandon and his team brought actual joy to the process and no one walked away frustrated or upset by the outcome.”
Brenda Whitehead
CEO – Port Hope & District Chamber of Commerce

Vividata Voices Canadian Consumer Intelligence Conference
Vividata is like the encyclopedia of Canadian consumer behavior and media habits. They’re the go-to source for understanding what Canadians like, watch, and buy.
With their SCC Study, they talk to over 40,000 Canadians, covering 40 markets and a whopping 4,000 brands. It’s like they’ve got their finger on the pulse of the whole country! Their Vividata Conference is some of the industry top data people.
• Visual Identity Design
• Power Point
• Event Banners
“We turned to Media Vandals to help launch Vividata Voices 2024 (Vividata’s inaugural Consumer Intelligence Conference) with a look and feel that not only lived up to the hype, but solidified our brand as a future-forward leader in the Canadian Consumer Data industry.
From the bold new logo, to the dynamic PowerPoint template, to the professional and cooperative working relationship they championed throughout the project, Mediavandals delivered on all fronts. So much so, that we continue to work with the team and leverage their expertise on other facets of our business. ”
Mike Fragomeni
Director, Insights & Marketing Vividata